Home >> Kaneohe, Hawaii

General Information:
City Class Census Designated Place
Class by Population 6
Land Area 6.572
Water Bodies 1.941
State Hawaii
Population(2000) 34970
Males: 17141
Females : 17829

Map of Kaneohe, Hawaii:

Races in Kaneohe:
White 7166
Black/African American 285
Hispanic 2523
Asian 13456
American Indian & Alaska Native 69
Native Hawaian Pacific Islander 3999
Multi Race 9758
Ohter Race 237
Population by Age:
Under 5 years 2015
5 to 17 Years 6578
18 to 21 years 1638
22 to 29 years 3327
30 to 39 yeras 5044
40 to 49 years 5709
50 to 64 years 5504
64 and over 5155
Population Median Age:
Average Median Age 38
Male Median Age 36.7
Female Median Age 39.3
Housing Information in Kaneohe , HI
Total Housing Units 11472
Urban Housing Units NA
Rural Housing Unit NA
Vacant Housing Units 496
Owner Occupied Housing Units 7473
Renter Occupied Housing Units 3503
Family & Family Size in Kaneohe , HI:
Number of families 8680
Average Family size 3.48
Househols Information in Kaneohe , HI:
Number of Household 10976
Average Household Size 3.14
1-person household, male 693
1-person household, female : 1002
Family HH(married-couple family, w/ own childern under 18 yrs) 2768
Family HH(married-couple family, no own childern under 18 yrs) 3859
Family HH, other family, male HH, no wife present, w/ own childern under 18 yrs 207
Family HH, other family, female HH, no husband present, w/ own childern under 18 yrs 619

Zip code in Kaneohe, Hawaii:


Cities in Hawaii (With population 10,000 or more):

Ewa Beach (14650) Halawa (13891) Hilo (40759) Honolulu (371657) Kahului (20146)
Kailua (36513) Kaneohe (34970) Kaneohe Station (11827) Kihei (16749) Makakilo City (13156)
Mililani Town (28608) Nanakuli (10814) Pearl City (30976) Schofield Barracks (14428) Wahiawa (16151)
Waianae (10506) Wailuku (12296) Waimalu (29371) Waipahu (33108) Waipio (11672)

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